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Trying to figure out the wife business.. and how to ace it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Home is looking Homier

This year Paul and I decided to do a wish list at Target and just click things that we wanted. Well, I can't tell you what a great idea it is for people who don't know what to get you without being blunt and asking, "What do you want or need for Christmas?"

We received 2 things off the wishlist already. I know, I'm horrible at waiting to open gifts, but I am so stoked about them. We received 2 huge picture frames we picked out for our living room. After opening our rather large present I was running around the house trying to find our wedding photos I picked out to put them in right then and there.

I got Paul to hang it after much puppy dog eyes and pleading :)

The before picture:
(note: disregard white chairs; more on that later)

ahhh he loves me :)

the after picture: (note: Hi Dad!)

Our second gift came from my parents who decided to say:
"LET THERE BE LIGHT" and I love it because it does light up the room :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job - GG! Look forward to more and more! xoxoxox
